What better time than St. Patrick’s Day to set my intention to attract more abundance, particularly in the form of money, money, and more money? I’m not talking about petty amounts of cold, hard cash here… Cold, hard cash originally meant coins, and it usually takes far too many coins to add up to very much wealth, in my opinion. I’m talking about an abundance of that leafy green stuff, and I don’t mean cabbage!

Looking back over the past year, I see, like so many others, that there seems to be a rather large deficit (a.k.a. “glaring hole”) in my savings account. I’ve been regularly dipping into it to cover my basic needs, and not finding a way to put any money back in. A one-way street like that is going to end at the door to the poor house if I’m not careful, so the obvious answer is that I’m going to have to find a way to generate a little more income.

Sounds simple enough.

So today I’m setting my intention of writing more, submitting more, and selling more. Just talking about it isn’t going to get me very far. It takes ACTION to see results, and today I’m taking action by putting yet another short piece of fiction into the mail. That may be one small step for mankind, but it’s a huge leap forward for me! Onward and upward to fame and fortune—preferably fortune!

Care to join me? What are YOUR plans to attract abundance today? Are you going to just sit there and talk about it, or are you going to take ACTION?