Who would have thought I’d make it to 90 days without abandoning my one and only New Year’s Resolution? Even with the visitation of My Darling Niece last month, I managed to stay the course with my health and fitness plan.

Unfortunately, and unbelievably, I’ve hit one horrendously flat plateau. In the entire month of March, I lost only 2 pounds. That’s only a half a freakin’ pound a week. To say I’m discouraged, would be a gross understatement. It totally sucks!

I know I should be “grateful” that I didn’t gain any, but I’ve been really, REALLY faithful to my plan every day. I get a good amount of exercise. I haven’t had any covert sugar in 2010. But I just don’t understand why the numbers don’t fall any faster. (I suppose I could blame my hormones; I blame them for everything else.)

The challenge now for April is to put this behind me and refocus on the goal… Which is now a little further into the distance than I had planned for it to be at this point, but definitely still attainable in this lifetime. As long as I live forever.