All I wanted was a cup of coffee…

But when I pulled up to the sliding glass door at the drive-through coffee stand in Bothell, I was greeted by a young woman wearing nothing more than a purple bikini top and two inches of lavender lace along the top band of her thong.

Oh, wait a minute— She was also wearing multiple strings of faux jewels hanging from her naval piercing.

So instead of ordering my large cup of decaf with two shots of sugar-free coconut in it (my personal escape to the tropics on a dreary March day in the Pacific Northwest), the first thing I said to this young woman was, “Does your mother know what you do for a living?”

She smiled and flipped her long, wavy, chestnut hair back over one bronzed shoulder. “Yes, my mother knows I’m a coffee barista.”

I laughed and placed my order. And since there were no cars behind me, this pleasant young woman and I had a nice chat about coffee stand competition in this economy. Seriously!

And yes, of course I tipped her. The poor girl has to make a living, you know. Sooner or later, she may need to buy clothes.