This Saturday, December 14, concludes my 2013 incredibly strenuous 8-week bazaar marathon. On Saturday, I’ll be at the Astoria Event Center, (on 9th between Commerical ad Marine) hawking my books during the Winter Brew Cup Event, from 10-4. And shortly thereafter, I’ll be found facedown in bowl of ice cream, flavor yet to be determined.

It’s not that I haven’t loved meeting new people and sharing my stories with them, it’s just that the net return has been a wee-bit smaller than the number of hours invested would indicate. And not hearing the merry sound of “ca-ching, ca-ching” quite often enough to satisfy my goals makes me sure there must be a better way to do this.

So next year I’ll thoroughly investigate those options. But right now I’m thinking peppermint candy, rocky road, or perhaps butter brickle ice cream will soothe my tired soul and rejuvenate my book-packing back!

Last chance to come see me in my jingle-bell reindeer antlers is this Saturday! Come on out and enjoy some brew and pick up a few good reads while you’re at it!

The countdown is on: My official holidays start in about 57 more hours!