The fresh, clean slate of a New Year is waiting to be written on, and most people begin today with a close scrutiny of where they’ve been and where they want to be headed. Many “resolve” to make major changes in the way they live.

I scanned a dozen websites, looking to see what kind of desired changes are most popular. The 10 top resolutions include (in no particular order): quitting smoking, quitting drinking, losing weight, getting more fit, getting out of debt, following a budget, getting organized, spending more time with family and friends, learning something new, and doing more good for others.

After compiling this list, I felt pretty good about myself. My personal goals this year are similar, but I have a few less. Smoking and drinking are not an issue, and since I already follow a budget, I’m not in debt. That’s four I can immediately cross off the list.

I learn something new all the time, I’m reasonably organized, I spend just the right amount of time with my family, and I volunteer for several causes, so I can check off four more.

That leaves losing weight and getting more fit. Ok, so we’ll start with those two and add “become rich and famous through my writing” and “travel more.”

That gives me four resolutions, at least three of which I have some control over.

So today I invite YOU to set some priorities, goals, resolutions, or whatever you prefer to call your 2012 Wish List and go for it! Keep me apprised on how you’re doing, and I’ll do the same! Good luck and best wishes for becoming the person you long to be.