I “left the institution” five years ago today. After 30 years, I retired from public school teaching. Thirty years. How in the world did THAT happen?

But a better question is what have I crossed off my bucket list since then, and there’s been plenty. I won’t bore you by listing them all here, suffice to say I’m happy with my “retirement” accomplishments thus far. I’ve been doing what I said I’d do.

The only thing is, that bucket list has grown longer, not shorter, in the past five years. I’ve discovered a whole new world out here I had only dreamed existed—especially between September and June! With my time now my own, I’m having a ball!

So… Do I miss being in the classroom? I sure miss my medical insurance, that much I can say without hesitation. But I only “retired” from teaching, not from life. I’m into the next chapter, and I’m having a grand time writing it!