On this day in history, 49 years ago, Bob Dylan turned down the opportunity to perform on The Ed Sullivan Show. At the time, he was a relatively unknown musician, and an appearance on national television could have hastened the launch of his career.

But when a CBS executive informed Dylan he could not sing “Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues,” the satirical song he had rehearsed in front of Ed himself days earlier, Dylan refused to select another song or change the lyrics. He simply walked off the set.

In hindsight, the publicity Dylan got for such an unheard of act probably matched that of actually performing on the show. But he could not have known that at the time.

To talk the talk is one thing, but it’s more important to walk the walk. I cannot imagine anyone turning his/her back on an opportunity like that today. (Both the Rolling Stones and the Doors acquiesced to changing lyrics in subsequent years.)

I’d never been much of a Bob Dylan fan until I learned of this incident. Personal integrity. Courage of commitment. Where do we find such strength of character today?