Some say that making resolutions or setting goals is just setting yourself up for further disappointment. Others adamantly tout that it’s a total waste of time. But Highly Successful People know that what you commit to paper niggles away in your thoughts until what you desire becomes a reality.

It’s a basic Law of Attraction premise: What you put your energy, attention and focus on becomes larger. As you believe, so you shall achieve. As a Law of Attraction facilitator, I’ve watched this amazing process happen way too many times to ever consider it a happy accident or coincidence. No such thing!

Last fall, when a young friend posted on Facebook that her life sucked and couldn’t get any worse, it immediately and dramatically did. Conversely, when another young woman decided to deliberately attract new abundance and wealth, she obtained the job of her dreams in very short order.

Our thoughts are the most powerful tool we have at our ready disposal, accurately reflecting our beliefs to the point of being scary. Today I invite you to put your attention on attracting only the most blessed and abundant of New Years.

Then, if you wish, humor me further still, and set about putting a whole truckload of those happy goals down on paper. Write dozens of things you’d like to see transpire this year. Tuck the list inside an envelope and clip it into the back of your 2011 calendar.

A year from now, prepare to be amazed!