Jan Bono’s Blog

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On January 9th, I wrote a blog about the passing of my friend Jack. It was a hard piece to write, and the tears flowed while I typed the story of our 37-year friendship, with a 30-year gap in the middle, and how just when we reconnected, he died. Thanks to my tech guy...

Free at last!

I’m not so much “into” the legislated (contrived) 3-day weekends. Maybe it’s because I now work for myself, and I can take a day off any time I want to. (Or four or five in a row, but let’s not get distracted here...) Martin Luther King, an indisputably great man, was...

So what have we learned?

“They say” third time is the charm, and although I’m prone to believe that the first or second time is every bit as fabulous, at this point, all my eggs are in this third basket. It’s been a long haul, and both Rick and I are weary of the whole hospital scene; Rick...

Requiescat in pace

It’s a pity Latin is no longer taught in school; I would have loved it. In college, my favorite class was Etymology. I shared what I learned in that class to every group of students I ever taught. To my delight, even fourth graders gobbled up the way word roots,...

True Epiphany

As I reread my previous blog this morning, I realized that in the last line I’d made a small—perhaps subliminal, but nonetheless significant—error. When I referred to the impending decision concerning the direction of my writing, I implied (or maybe inferred, as both...

Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood

I’m at a pivotal point in my life; I can feel it in my bones. “Something” is lurking out there, just beyond my cognitive thought, and I honestly don’t know if I’m being stalked by a vicious beast preparing to pounce, or if a loving friend is patiently waiting to...