Jan Bono’s Blog

In other news…

Hard to believe, I know, but there are a few other things going on in my life (and rumor has it, even in the world!) besides Rick’s heart health. In the midst of all the life-or-death drama being played out at the hospital on a daily basis, I’ve still managed to move...

Patient Number 113611

The day of Rick’s surgery, I arrived at the hospital at 3:30 a.m. His surgery was scheduled for “first thing,” and I’d been told they planned to take him “downstairs” at 6:30, but often they came much earlier. Getting access to the hospital at 3:30 a.m. proved to be...

You can’t get there from here!

Technically, it’s called Marquam Hill (part of the “Tualatin Mountains”??) but I didn’t know that until I recently googled “Portland’s Pill Hill.” It’s the hill just south of downtown Portland, and it’s the home to Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), Portland...

Neatness counts

Oddly enough, I have two wonderful and amazing men in my life whose careers involve sound engineering: Rick and Marty. And while Rick is now confining his tech savvy to the events at the Venetian Theatre in Hillsboro, Marty is still actively “taking it on the road”...

It takes a village

It’s a darn good thing the back seat in my mustang folds down! Otherwise, I’d have had to be even more creative when I brought home my newest tome. Hauling 15 30-pound boxes of books is a lot to ask of a “sportscar,” but at the time, I had no other options. The nice...

Willing to be known

Of my own free will, I decided to publish my weight loss story. Nobody twisted my arm, although dozens of people asked me to write it. And now, less than a week after its release, I’m feeling a little bit... well... naked. My life—guts, warts, feathers and all—is out...