Jan Bono’s Blog

Clear the Road, I’m Sixteen!

Most days I think I’m 18 until I open my eyes in the morning. Eighteen is a pretty good time in most everyone’s life. But today I’m thinking 16 is even better. At 18, high school was behind me and I was planning to go away to college in the fall. Suddenly there were...

Dance like no one’s watching

I’m going honky-tonking tonight, and I can’t wait!  To visit cheap noisy bars or dance halls where raucous music permeates the air makes my feet start tapping in anticipation even as I sit chained to my computer. Strictly speaking, the first music genre to be commonly...

A leap of faith

Behold the turtle! He only progresses when he sticks his neck out. Of course it could be argued that when he sticks his neck out it’s the only time he risks getting his head chopped off as well. To risk, or not to risk, that is the question. Yes, you must be careful...

Going Green

I love the month of June. Yes, it’s my birth month, so I must admit a bit of bias here, but it’s also the month of “everything lusciously leafy.” Sixteen years ago this week, I spent eight days in a Portland hospital, undergoing a series of treatments to save my right...

Law of Attraction booster shot

Michael Losier, author of “Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t” was in Portland yesterday for a three-hour seminar. He is a dynamic speaker, full of enthusiasm and eager to share specific steps which we can all...

Cortisone is my new best friend

Bless the man who “discovered” the effectiveness of cortisone in the treatment of osteoarthritis. I shudder to think what my life would be like without the benefits I receive from my twice-yearly knee injections of this steroid. I am deeply grateful for the almost...