Jan Bono’s Blog

The Mouth of the Columbia River

I live at the corner of Columbia and Pacific. That’s the river and the ocean. The very end of the trail for the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery. A place rich in history, and as fresh as a spring rain. Or a summer rain. Or a fall rain. Or… Well, you get the picture....

A better than average chance

Some relationships are doomed right from the get-go. There’s simply not enough common ground on which to build even the most tentative of foundations. (see previous entry) Yet strangely enough, there are those people who want to try to buck the odds and “make it...

The Dating Game

“Before I even know the guy’s last name,” says Sally, “I’ve mentally walked him down the aisle, named our fourth kid after my Aunt Agatha, and sent her off to college.” No surprise, Sally often sabotages her potential relationships by falling prey to such romanticized...

God waters the sweet peas

When it comes to gardening, I’m all purple thumbs. And it’s not entirely my fault… the peninsula has very poor soil and lots of cool misty days, which doesn’t amount to much of a growing season. But I have, on occasion, tried to buck the odds. (A moment of silence...

Have you seen a six-foot tall invisible rabbit?

Don’t be silly! Of course you haven’t seen a six-foot tall invisible rabbit! The Opening Night for “Harvey” at the Hannan Playhouse in Raymond, Washington isn’t until tomorrow, May 8, and will show six times over the next two weekends! I invite you to go directly to...

Excited by Possibilities

Today I have hope. Hope is a good thing. Hope walks hand in hand with optimism. Think about it: It’s almost impossible to be pessimistic when you’re holding hands! For awhile now, I’ve clung for dear life to a mustard-seed amount of hope. As it turns out, it was just...