Jan Bono’s Blog

Creating a kinder, softer, gentler world

I missed an opportunity to make the world a better place today, and I’m still kicking myself for it. It’s an old adage that’s biting me in the butt: She who hesitates is hesitant. Chalk it up to being suddenly shy, or just the fear of feeling like a fool, but today I...

There’s a widget for almost everything

Recently I had a very small glitch in my blog sidebar layout. And although it was indeed a very small problem, I was unable to rectify it myself. So I turned to the experts. Karl, down at <beachdog.com>, is my computer blog guru. I sent him what I considered to...

What’s next?

Today I’m in a state of quasi-limbo. My first stint as a playwright is behind me, and looking to my writing future I see…  What? Like most writers, or wannabe writers, I have a drawer full of unfinished manuscripts. Ok, make that a couple drawers full. To date, I have...

Too Awesome for Words

Yes, yes, I know…. I SAY it was too awesome for words, and then here I am, attempting to find some to describe the experience anyway. How about one of the “strucks”? As in Thunderstruck or Dumbstruck or Moonstruck or even Awestruck? Nah, I used awesome already, so...

Spring has Sprung

A new season. A fresh start. I don’t know why I relate the spring equinox with hope and renewal and limitless beginnings, but I do. And I know a lot of other people do as well. Maybe it’s that seed planting thing. Seeds are little kernels of possibility. Pods of...

Me and Toby Tyler

I was standing at a check-out counter in Astoria the other day when a pile of coupons sitting next to the cash register caught my eye. The offer was for “One Free Child’s Admission” to the Jordan Circus with a paying adult. Now I’m not so old that I actually remember...