Jan Bono’s Blog

Tickets are now on sale! -February 9

I’m another step closer to one of my dreams today. Today the tickets went on sale for the two one-act plays I wrote last fall and which are being produced in Raymond at the Hannan Theater in March (see Willapa Players in sidebar). For literally decades, I have wanted...

Goal-setting vs. Resolutions -February 7

Unlike the majority of folks, my New Year’s Resolutions don’t commence in January. In fact, I don’t even call them resolutions. I don’t “resolve” to do anything. But I do set goals. Goals are a good, friendly thing. I seem to recall that someone famous once said,...

The Understudy had Stage Fright -February 5

I recently discovered there’s a very good reason why, for all my 54 years, I have chosen to stay “behind the lights” instead of in front of them… Hard to believe, but even after 30 years in the classroom, which is kind of like being “on stage” every day itself, I...

Law of Attraction: Success Story! -February 3

A few days ago, I mentioned that I had witnessed so many manifestations of abundance as evidence of the Law of Attraction that I could write a book (“Kick-ass Stories of Abundance through the Law of Attraction”). Just hours after finishing that post, a friend called...

Law of Attraction: A 3-step process -February 1

I’ve recently mentioned Michael Losier and his book Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t. Michael is the closest thing I have to an LOA guru; in my mind, he also walks on water. His book details the three easy...

Law of Attraction—Good Vibrations -January 31

When you strike a tuning fork in a room full of tuning forks, those forks with the same, or nearly the same, pitch or tone will vibrate back. That’s an undeniable fact. When you walk into a room and you’re feeling upbeat and empowered and having a great hair day, you...