Recently I had a very small glitch in my blog sidebar layout. And although it was indeed a very small problem, I was unable to rectify it myself. So I turned to the experts.

Karl, down at <>, is my computer blog guru. I sent him what I considered to be a succinct little summary of my distress and he replied in short order that it was all “fixed” and that it wasn’t my fault. Apparently, as he explained it, the Pages “widget” had not been turned on.

Going for the cheap laugh, I replied that I thought I’d have to be on a golf course in order to need a widget.

Karl, whom I thought I could count on to play the straight man in my comedy routine, said there was “a widget for everything. Well, almost everything.” Ok, so his answer got a bigger laugh than mine did… So much for our comedy act.

Nevertheless, I added “widget” to my growing techno-vocabulary. The term, in case you didn’t know, is frequently used to refer to objects on a computer screen with which the user can interact.

No day is wasted when you learn something new.