
If you see my doppelganger out and about tonight, kindly direct it back home, will you? Halloween is the one night when I agree to let her out to howl a bit, but she’s been known to occasionally take it a little too far. Perhaps some of you already know what I’m...

Booksigning at Olde Towne Trading Post

I’ve got a lot to celebrate this season. Top on my list is the fact that I have five holiday stories included in the just-released “Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Gift of Christmas” book. In communicating with the assistant publisher of Chicken Soup this summer, I...

One hundred feet at a time

Driving across country at night (or even just down the peninsula), you don’t need to see the whole road before you when you start out. You only need to see the next 100 feet— just about what your headlights can illuminate. Breaking a daunting task into manageable...

Breaking bricks

Young Ricky, a student new to the martial arts, timidly approached his karate master. “Excuse me, sir,” he began. “But will we learn to break bricks and boards? His teacher looked at him and smiled. “When you come to class and tell me you were attacked by a building...

I am NOT a dweeb!

I just finished listening to my first full audio-book recording, and I’m wondering who that strange woman is reading my words. Do I really sound like that? It’s sure not the same voice I hear inside my head when I speak. Reading aloud to my students was something I...