Lions and Lambs

I’m happy to see March go… Emotionally, the month has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. The “highs” have included dressing up for the Academy Awards, the Cheshire-cat thrill of driving my new Mustang, and staying 100% within my targeted “weight window” (dare we...

Just desserts

“The last thing I want to touch my earthly lips,” said my friend Joani, literally on her deathbed in April, 1998, “is Dom Perignon.” Joani got her wish, her husband holding the glass gently to her lips just a few days later. And that got me to thinking—what’s the last...

Batter up!

“Grief is like a sneaker wave,” a friend explained to me decades ago. “There you are, walking along the beach, minding your own business, and suddenly, without warning, WHAMO! you’re knocked flat on your keester.” That pretty much sums it up all right. It’s been a...

Commercial Education

Three days ago my blog topic was Boomer Television in 1964—and now we have a word from our sponsor… That first sentence is an example of a transition (albeit not the greatest, but a transition, nevertheless). It allows the reader to flow without interruption from one...

TV Quiz for Boomers

According to my very reliable sources (if it’s on the Internet or printed in the AARP Bulletin, then it must be true), Jeopardy came on the air 50 years ago this month. You couldn’t prove it by me, but apparently 1964 debuted a lot more than the Ford Mustang. Here’s a...