When I began writing my personal experience column for the Chinook Observer in 1992, I was told by a former columnist that it was like “walking naked through the streets of Long Beach.” She was partly correct. Writing about your adventures in a small town really puts it out there; everybody reads the only local newspaper.

The way I see it, blogging is a lot like writing a mini-column on a much more regular basis than bi-weekly. So will that mean I’m baring my soul to hundreds of thousands of anonymous people in hundreds of thousands of cities? Maybe…

My intention, however, is to share my stories, provide an insight or two, and maybe strike a chord with others who are striving, like I am, to be all they can be. Yes, I know that sounds a lot like a commercial for the Armed Forces, but it’s a worthwhile goal, and I don’t think the Army will mind me borrowing it.