There’s a story about a man who liked feeling the rush of adrenalin when he dashed across traffic in the middle of the block. Naturally, the odds being what they are, the man eventually collided with a vehicle and was hospitalized with a skull fracture.
Upon healing from the skull fracture, the man vowed never to jaywalk again. But it wasn’t too long before he succumbed to temptation went back to bolting across the road wherever he liked. A trolley upended him and he sustained a broken arm.
Upon healing from the broken arm, the man was resolute in his desire to give up this kind of dangerous behavior. But once again, he caved in to his yearning for that rush of adrenalin which accompanied his risky behavior. Of course there were consequences, and this time the man sustained a broken back.
The bottom line here is that when nothing changes, nothing changes. Unless we find an alternative to our destructive behaviors, we are almost certain to be sucked back into our negative patterns. So how do we make good on our promises to reform and sustain lasting change?
The first step is to get very clear on what we want. Again, using the Contrast and Clarity step from the Law of Attraction, we need to identify what it is we don’t want, and then put our focus on what we do want in our lives.
Whether you are trying to break a jaywalking habit, or quit smoking, or lose weight, or get out of a dead-end relationship, or get your finances back on track, the first step is getting total Clarity in what you desire. Take the gloves off. Decide, once and for all, what it is you DO want, and go for it. One solid step at a time, you’ll get there.