I was supposed to teach a workshop today on one-act playwriting. Not enough people showed an interest in signing up, and it didn’t happen.
And why not? I did everything “right.” I advertised for three consecutive weeks in the local newspaper, put brightly-colored flyers up all over town, got it promoted on the radio, and paid for an ad in the one-act festival program at the theater a few weeks ago. I even plugged the workshop during my play’s “Director’s Greeting.”
So what happened? My first impulse (which, admittedly, is often not a result of my best thinking) is to take it personally. But then I get a better grip on things and back away from it far enough to simply consider that there aren’t a lot of people around here interested in learning to write one-act plays. Period.
Then, continuing the dance of self-doubt, I wallow again in disappointment, lamenting the fact that “the best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.” But being somewhat of a self-proclaimed wordsmith, I look up the word “astray” and see that it actually means “off the right path; in error; away from what is proper or desirable.”
Being a generally positive thinker, that doesn’t set well with me, so I modify the phrase to say, “the best laid plans of mice and men oft take an unexpected, yet ultimately highly desirable, turn.”
That feels a lot better. Now I can look to the last line of my intended workshop’s Desire Statement. “This or something better.” (See blog posting Sept 15) What could be better than giving a well-attended workshop for writers eager to improve their craft?
Hhhhmmm…. Guess I’ll have to keep an open mind and see what today brings. The possibilities are endless—and exciting—and I shall embrace whatever opportunity the Universe lays before me.
I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen!