I was supposed to teach a workshop today on one-act playwriting. Not enough people showed an interest in signing up, and it didn’t happen. And why not? I did everything “right.” I advertised for three consecutive weeks in the local newspaper, put brightly-colored...
Let me start with this disclaimer: This is NOT a “male bashing” commentary. This is a point-of-information blog posting, just something interesting I found to think about, and nothing more. I was doing some recreational reading the other day and had one of those “Aha”...
Oftentimes I hear someone say, “All I really want is…” and then they go on to explain how they really aren’t asking for all that much. “I just need a car that runs.” “I’ll settle for a minimum wage job.” “I’d like to meet a man who doesn’t smoke.” Well, in my Law of...
Michael is my new hero. I don’t know his last name, but I know that he’s the guy who saved me countless hours of angst and anguish last Monday. I freely admit it: I’m more than a little technophobic. When something goes awry with my computer, my first thought is “OH...
Each generation has its pivotal moment. Or moments. Clearly I remember sitting in Mrs. Pritchard’s fourth grade classroom, head down on my arms on top of the desk, as we had been instructed to do, while she walked up and down the rows of students, passing out tissues....