The request was simple enough. At least on the surface. Could I feed, water and run the dogs for four or five days while the owners took their annual Labor Day Weekend camping trip to the mountains? Sure. Absolutely. No problem. Why, I could even bring in the mail,...
Last week I had company visiting from the Midwest. On previous visits, we had explored the tourist attractions of the greater peninsula and Astoria areas, and traveled down the Oregon coast as far as Manzanita. This time we ventured farther abroad, spent some time...
I think I tried to skip a step in my role as writer/director of my one-act play this summer. After the writing, the try-outs, the casting, the blocking, the 6+ weeks of rehearsals, all the tech stuff, and scouring the thrift shops for props, ad infinitum, we had our...
I was born in Seattle, therefore, by default, I’m a Seattle Mariner baseball fan. Always have been. And for the last 32 years, I’ve been hoping that THIS was “our year.” But so far, a World Series appearance has eluded my team. Nevertheless, I’m a loyal fan and I...
You’ll be happy to hear I figured out “what’s next.” Next, after you’ve learned a new skill, you teach it to someone else. At least I do. And after writing three one-act plays and having all three produced this past year, I’m declaring myself an expert on the topic....