Last week I got to take an electronic peek at the cover for my book, “Just Joshin’.” It was a very exciting and anxious moment while I waited for the email attachment to download into my computer. And suddenly… there it was! MY BABY!
I’ve been carrying this extended metaphor along here for over a month, so I couldn’t help but equate seeing my baby on the screen to viewing an ultrasound.
Now I’m in the process of doing the last-minute, final-final edit and read-over of the galleys. Galleys are the pre-publication version of the book, and the last chance to catch any boo-boos or make any changes. After this, I have no more control over the process.
Try as I might, I can’t figure how this step works into my “giving birth to my book” metaphor, unless you want to accept the science fiction predictions that soon all parents will “place an order” for their baby’s hair color, eye color, and I.Q.
For the record, the book cover is blue, Josh’s hair is brown, and he’s the smartest kid I’ve ever met. I’m doing pretty well in my role as a proud mama, don’t you think?