There are those days when nothing seems to be going right; when everything you say or do contributes to your downward spiral. And then there are those days when one thing after another works in your favor and you can’t believe your good fortune. We sometimes refer to...
High tide, or high water, is when clams are free from the attention of predators. That includes humans in search of a tasty bivalve dinner. Humans like me. In “the good old days” on the Washington coast, razor clams were plentiful. The season ran for months, and...
Last week I got to take an electronic peek at the cover for my book, “Just Joshin’.” It was a very exciting and anxious moment while I waited for the email attachment to download into my computer. And suddenly… there it was! MY BABY! I’ve been carrying this extended...
The Peninsula Players (see link in sidebar) present a two-week run of Neil Simon’s Broadway hit, “Barefoot in the Park,” beginning Friday, October 16, at 7 p.m. at the 2nd Story Playhouse in Ilwaco, WA. It’s a comedy, and it’s by Neil Simon, so of course it’s lots of...
In 2005, Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup series, wrote “The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.” It is, quite possibly, the most influential book on my personal self-help bookshelf. The book is over 450 pages, and...