On December 2, I was interviewed by Donna Quinn on KMUN radio in Astoria. While I thought we would be talking only about the process of writing and publishing my new “Just Joshin’” book, her questions were much more far-ranging than I expected.
In the space of a half hour, we did talk about my “Josh book,” and also about life coaching, the Law of Attraction, creating a plan, or blueprint for goals, writing workshops, the state of public education today, and many other interwoven things in between. I even shared with her, and her entire listening audience, what my four career goals were at the age of nine.
If you want to know what those goals were, and which two I’ve accomplished so far, you can still tune in on your computer to hear the entire interview. Just go to KMUN.org and access the Archives for “Talk of Our Towns,” December 2, 2009.