Is perfection really an attainable goal? Or better yet, is it a desirable one? I suppose if you are out bowling, and working on a 300 game, then you are seeking to be “perfect.” But in everyday life, is striving for perfection a help or a hindrance?
I know I am guilty of beating myself up for not being perfect on many occasion. I lose sight of the fact that progress is a good and noble thing in itself. If we all plan to do just a little better, fewer of us would be wallowing in disappointment and subscribing to verbal self-flagellation.
So I’m suggesting that we all lighten up a little bit and not be so hard on ourselves. This is not to say we just toss in the towel, but that we understand that slow and steady is ultimately more desirable than a quick unsustainable flash in the pan.
Remember, if you win just 51% of the battles, you’ll still win the war.