Good news for those of us who have a little extra meat on our bones. According to a Danish study (hooray for the Danes!), there is a higher risk of heart disease and premature death in people whose thighs are less than 24 inches in diameter.
Now I’ve always joked that in the event of a famine, I’d be one of the last to die, but I didn’t have a Danish study to back me up. This study concluded that even if your body mass index is normal, thin thighs may mean that you are less able to regulate insulin levels.
Apparently thigh fat helps flush triglycerides from the blood. And a high level of triglycerides, as you may know, raises your risk of cardiovascular problems.
None of this information will deter me from my weight loss resolution, however. It’s just nice to know I don’t have to be skeletal to be healthy.