The Borg, a respected adversary on the Star Trek television series, were a pseudo-race of cybernetic beings, or cyborgs, from the Delta Quadrant. No truly single individual existed within the Borg Collective (with the possible exception of the Borg Queen). The Borg...
And while we’re on the subject of silly car accessories (see previous post), what about those “sirens” you affix to your car that (allegedly) send out a piercing wail which (allegedly) only deer can hear, and which are GUARANTEED to scare the deer away from roadway in...
Flashback for a moment to 1982. Remember the TV series Knight Rider? Remember the car that could talk? Well, 28 years later it looks like fact is imitating fiction. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, hybrid cars crash into bicyclists and...
My last post, “In a heartbeat,” elicited a comment that touched me very deeply. The thought is so profound, and so important, that I’m going to paste the comment in directly in case it was missed by readers who visited earlier in the day on May 5....
A dear friend of mine had a major heart attack two weeks ago. He’s okay now, although it was touch and go with the EMTs and he was life-flighted to Portland to receive an immediate stent. Thank God for medical science advancements! This was a major bump in our...