Last January “Chicken Soup” was accepting stories for another volume in their popular series. This one is called “My Dog’s Life.” Well, I just happened to have a few heartwarming tales about the dog we had when I was a kid, so I promptly sat down and wrote four stories.
The first told the story of getting our little dog, a cocka-pomma-peeka-poo, direct from the apron pocket of a teary-eyed young waitress one Friday night. The second story followed a frantic search for our “missing” dog, only to find him asleep in the front seat of our car. Number three related how my brothers carried him across the cut cornfield rows because he was too short to jump over the cut stalks and be a “real” hunting dog. And the fourth and final story shared the incident where we’d made him a “raincoat” out of a Wonder Bread sack, but forgot to leave the business end open, which almost immediately resulted in a sack of you-know-what.
I was betting the first story would be the one accepted, but nooooo…. It’s a well-known fact that bathroom humor (think of a whoopee cushion) gets big laughs, and our dear little humiliated dog, trying to outrun an attached bag of his… well, you get the picture… was the story selected for publication!
The key word here is PUBLICATION! For the third time, I’ll get to see my writing included in a Chicken Soup book. The publication date is April, 2011, when our dear little dog will be immortalized for his bodily functions.
Hey, it’s all about being able to compose a good story, and hearing the words “the check is in the mail,” doesn’t hurt either!