At the suggestion of a friend in my writers’ group, I took my book, “Just Joshin’, A Year in the Life of a Not-so-ordinary Fourth Grade Kid,” and boiled it down into a pretty decent one-act play.
When I submitted the play to the Peninsula Players (see sidebar) for possible inclusion in this year’s One-act Festival, I hoped against hope that lightning would strike once again. And it did! My fourth one-act play will hit the stage this August, along with two “professional” plays and another one written by a local writer.
During intermission, the Players have granted me permission to set up a table to sell my “Josh books” to those who wish to read “the rest of the story.” This is a wonderful opportunity for me, both as a playwright and an author now that I’ve done a book adaptation as well. I am thrilled, and about as anxious as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
My book, now a one-act play, is coming to life on the stage! I’m doing the geriatric Watusi happy dance here, and I invite you all to come see the show!