My July 25th blog prediction has come true! At that time, I “had a feeling” I’d have more than one story included in the Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Gift of Christmas book coming out this fall. And I was right! If you recall (you DO have total recall, don’t you?),...
Hurry, while there’s still time! NEXT SATURDAY, September 11, I’m teaching a one-day Law of Attraction workshop in Long Beach, WA. This hands-on class will help you manifest the life of your dreams. Learn the 3-step process to attract more of what you want, and less...
Fear of public speaking is the greatest fear of people everywhere. Fear of dying comes in second. Very conscious of that fact, I gently weaned my fourth grade students into standing comfortably before the class to present their book reports. Some, however, needed a...
A couple weeks ago I stood and squinted at the writing on the glass cover of the buffet at the Shoalwater Bay Casino. Something was written in cursive with a red erasable felt pen. Finally I made out the words: Fish Item. Now there’s a buffet offering that certainly...
A school bus rolled by this morning. I know, because the squeaky brakes and slamming sliding door when my neighbor’s child stepped aboard woke me from a sound sleep. This is the fifth September I haven’t answered to the school bell, having retired from teaching in...