A while back, I read an article purporting simple tricks for getting along with difficult people. The six types of difficult people spotlighted were The Drama Queen, The Critic, The General, The Grinch, The Martyr and The Know-It-All.
In case you need help figuring out who’s who in your life, The Drama Queen turns small inconveniences into catastrophes, The Critic will constantly point out what’s not right, The General will bowl you over trying to take charge, The Grinch will be grouchy and contrary no matter what, The Martyr will never stop “helping” you, but will resent it, and The Know-It-All is a self-proclaimed expert on everything.
I laughed when I read the article. Not because nearly everyone I know has, at one time or another, fit into one or more of these categories, but because the “tricks” suggested were so… so… Well, simplistic comes to mind, but so does manipulative. Apparently, to keep the peace, it’s preferable to be a Pollyanna gal who always turns the other cheek, skirts the issue, dodges the bullet, and plays the game, ad infinitum.
Personally, I’ve lumped these “difficult types” all together and treat each of them the very same. I look earnest, like I’m seriously pondering the ridiculous statement they just made, furrow my brow, and say, “Hhhmmm… You think the Mariners will take the pennant this year?” And while they’re still scratching their heads, I quietly slip away, successfully disengaged from any potential conflicts.
I’m sure I read somewhere that Nobel Peace Prizewinner Henry Kissinger employed the very same tactics, but I’m thinking he might have favored a different team…