I know February is the shortest month, but WOWZA! it sped by so fast I barely had time to turn the calendar pages. I guess that’s what living a full life is all about.
When I “retired” a few years ago, I anticipated having all kinds of “free time” to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. And to some extent, that’s true. I just didn’t know I “wanted” to do so many new and exciting things that my days would become a blur.
Not that I’m becoming senile or anything, but just when I figure out that the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th are all on Mondays, it’s a new month and am confronted with a new learning curve. Except, of course, three out of four years when February has 28 days. Then I know March will have the same Monday layout, and I’ll have a better-than-average chance of remembering what day of the week it is, and on which days my monthly meetings fall.
But the time still flies by so damn fast…