Take-down at Shari’s

While I was busy counting wreaths and icicle lights still adorning the homes of Hillsboro (see Feb 13 entry), I stopped for a late breakfast at Shari’s on TV (Tualatin Valley) Highway. As I waited by the register at the end of my meal, three nicely-dressed gentlemen...

Compound/complex words

I’ve been feeling like I might have too many words crammed inside my head. When talking, the normal brain is supposed to filter out all the choices of synonyms until settling on just one word to say aloud. I imagine all these words tumbling around and around,...

Last Wreath Standing

I’m easily entertained; I can make a game out of almost anything. So last week, when I was aimlessly driving around Hillsboro (no, I wasn’t lost, I was just taking the scenic route), I started counting the number of homes still sporting Christmas icicle lights. Soon I...

Red Herrings

I’m often amazed at how far afield I can wander in my Internet quest for a specific bit of fact validation. With the advent of Google, one link leading to another and another and another, ad infinitum, I can spend hours gleaning random information that has nothing...

Do you have it backwards?

People who are skeptical or have a doubting nature often say, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” The Law of Attraction tells us, “When you believe it you will see it.” We create our own reality. Of this much I’m certain—nothing happens by accident. So ask yourself: What...