A Matter of Personal Integrity

On this day in history, 49 years ago, Bob Dylan turned down the opportunity to perform on The Ed Sullivan Show. At the time, he was a relatively unknown musician, and an appearance on national television could have hastened the launch of his career. But when a CBS...

Commuter Cat

“They say” that dogs are people oriented, and cats identify with places. I guess that makes sense. Unless, of course, you happen to have a cat like my orange tabby Alvin. Alvin is totally people oriented. He follows me from room to room as I go about my day, in the...

Are you kidding me?

A few months ago, I applied to teach one 3-credit English course at Clatsop Community College this summer. I developed the course description, learning outcomes, and complete content overview of each lesson. I filled out the online application and obtained an...

Still on the list

The Kentucky Derby takes place the first Saturday in May, and I have yet to attend in person. It’s been on my bucket list for as long as I’ve had a bucket list, but over the years, other things have taken priority. I think now I’ll probably tie the Derby in with a...

May Day

The first of May conjures up all sorts of emotions. Having taught public school for 30 years, I can say unequivocally that for most students, May 1st is the official signal that summer will soon be here, the school year is almost over, and nothing your teachers say...