As faithful readers know, I introduced a new kitten/cat to the household on December 26th. His name is Simon, and he joins a brother, Alvin.
Simon is about a year and a half younger than Alvin, who has been part of “the family” here for a full year already. So for Christmas, somebody thought it would be a good idea to give Alvin a little brother. That somebody, of course, was me.
Oh, I don’t regret it, not for a second. They adapted extremely well, right from the get-go, and now they sleep together, groom each other, and are never a full room apart. Best buddies are like that.
The only thing is, in just one month, Simon has taught Alvin to be a curious little kitten again. Really revved up his engine. They run and chase and play at all hours, mindless of my preferred sleeping time.
Every morning the first thing I must so is straighten and pick up after them, from knocking things off the coffee tables to tipping over plants to making sure the scatter rugs and thoroughly scattered. They got a new 4-story cat tree/scratching post last week (not that they’re spoiled or anything), so now they have three trees of various sizes in the rec room, which is now their primary wreck room.
But their mass destruction isn’t confined. This morning I retrieved the kitchen sponge from under the dining room table, and I have no idea how five of my fluorescent orange foam earplugs got spread throughout the house. Funny how Alvin never did such things before…
They’re a joy to have around, although when I closed the dishwasher this afternoon and Simon jumped out at me from under the door, I jumped sky-high. I got even, though… I got out the laser pointer!
Now they’re both wondering how the heck that red dot escaped them this time. Not-to-worry, Simon will probably keep Alvin up all night again, thundering throughout the house looking for it!