On the first of every month I like to take a little inventory of what I’ve accomplished in the past month as well as in the year as a whole.
Overall, I’m in pretty good shape. I’ve stuck with all five of my New Year’s resolutions, and I didn’t kill anyone during my diet Pepsi withdrawal. I’d say that’s definitely in the plus column.
February had considerably more challenges than January, what with sitting at the hospital bedside of my dear friend for half the entire month! The lack of exercise and the time away from writing my mystery novel created a huge temptation to just say “screw it” and consider chocolate one of the seven major food groups (Yes, seven. I know there were four when we were kids, but times have changed).
Although considerable havoc was raised, so was my determination to stick to my goals, despite this major detour.
And isn’t that what life is all about? Bouncing along through the potholes of life, jangled but not destroyed, I remind myself that at times like these, it’s best to grab one’s bootstraps and doggedly MARCH ON!
Now if I just knew what a bootstrap was, I’d be all set today for MARCH ONE!