Despite numerous setbacks in the form of surprise (but necessary) blocks of time away from my keyboard during the past six weeks, I’ve managed to plop down over 30,000 words on the first draft of my mystery manuscript.
It’s nothing short of a miracle that I’ve accomplished so much in such a little time. When I review my computer journal, I count just 19 days of actual work on this project. Nineteen of a possible 42! That’s less than half the time I planned to write.
But life happens, and friends and family have needed me, and I am glad that I could answer their calls and still keep the momentum going when I returned. Chalk it up to the fact that I have a narrative outline to follow, and that fact that when I do sit down to write, I rarely stop working until I have at least 1,500 words typed. (And to save you from having to do the math yourself, 19 x 1,500 = 28,500.)
I’m sure there are more obstacles headed my way, some planned, some unplanned, but I’m determined to have a solid first draft written by the first of May. I laid out 12 weeks (3 months) to do this, and I’m both halfway there and halfway there, if you get my drift.
Making a public proclamation of my goal is one of the best ways I’ve found to motivate myself, and when May 1 rolls around, I’m determined to be celebrating my achievement.
Let the magic continue!