When I left for Greece, I harbored just a tinge of “romantic possibility” about my upcoming adventure. I mean, what better time to fall in love, or lust, then when “on vacation” in an exotic island locale? And I’d seen both the Broadway production and the Mama Mia movie, so it could happen.. right?
Therefore, I kept my eyes open for a tall, dark and handsome local stranger who might want to spend some quality time with an American Abroad… So to speak!
And there were plenty to choose from. I must have a latent penchant for Mediterranean men or something. They all looked good to me! Tall, short, bearded or clean-shaven, they all had those mysterious dark eyes and a shock of curly black hair.
In a word: Yummy!
But alas, there was always a catch… Some were too young (even for a wannabe cougar like me). Some were obviously otherwise taken. Some spoke little or no English, and I’m kind of partial to good communication.
So the bottom line, when all was said and done, there
were no broken hearts when I departed Greece, and I ended up eating my baklava alone…
What the hell, more for me that way!