Today’s date is circled in red on my desk calendar. That’s because today’s the deadline for story submissions to two upcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
I am a frequent contributor to Chicken Soup, with 13 accepted stories in the past 18 months. I refer to my new computer as “the iMac Chicken Soup bought.” So naturally, I didn’t want the day to pass without sending in another story—if I had one.
The funny thing is, I’ve almost ALWAYS got a story to tell. And I’m pretty good at writing them down. And especially when I’ve got a deadline looming, I usually become highly motivated to “get ‘er done.”
I believe we’re all that way, to some extent. When we’ve got too much time, we tend to put things off. It’s the rush of adrenalin that motivates us to finish projects, and for me, writing is no exception.
So today’s the deadline, but I submitted a story to each proposed book over two weeks ago. Sometimes I just like to have things written on my calendar so I can cross them off!
Do I see you nodding your head?