“They say” that if you keep challenging yourself to learn new things, utilizing the part of the brain responsible for mastering and retaining info, that there’s a better than average chance you’ll be last on the list for developing Alzheimer’s and a few other nasty forms of dementia.
Taking this into consideration, I’ve become a virtual Sudoku addict.
I’ve also tentatively embraced the computer world–although I still find it a rather prickly pear as far as actual embracing goes. At least I’m not “afraid” of it anymore. I just consider it magic, and leave it at that.
Spending quality time with my beloved iMac is an integral part of each and every day. And Google, as I’ve mentioned before, is my new best friend. It’s becoming more and more difficult to imagine life without the world at my fingertips. I’m such an information junkie!
Yet I’ve often found myself balking at acquiring more technology toys. I had shunned “smart phones” since the onset, and repeatedly intoned that I could wait till I got home to look anything up.
But in December a friend upgraded his iPhone to 4GS (whatever that means), and “gifted” me with his old one. Oh dear! How could I ever let go of my tried and true Nokia? I dragged my feet, but to no avail. A few days later, there I was, at the AT&T store, having them sync my Bluetooth to this new apparatus.
And then… Well, you’re way ahead of me here, aren’t you? Let’s just say I’ve pushed the onset of mental deterioration back another couple years. This “old dog” has learned a few new tricks!