Oprah is always pontificating about living our best lives. So what does that mean to you? I mean really? Take a moment here and think about it—I’ll wait.
I spent 30 years teaching public school. Serious stuff, educating the masses. So many rules, so many state-mandated learning objectives, so many competency tests. Kids need more time to be kids. All work and no play is bad news for all of us, regardless of age.
I’m 54 years old, and I have a bucket list… You know, things to do before you kick the bucket. It’s funny, but I keep finding more things to add to it. When I check one off the list… like “visit Hannibal, Missouri,” or “write a one-act play and see it performed,” or “learn to belly dance,” then I add something else. The list never seems to grow any shorter. Maybe that’s my type of life insurance: “I can’t possibly die yet, I’ve got THINGS to do!”
Things to do, places to go, people to meet. If you haven’t got a “bucket list” yet, I invite you to start writing one today. There’s no time like the present to focus on what’s really important.