DSC05848We were told that a half million bottles of wine are produced annually on Santorini, yet none are exported. We were told the tourists drink it all up. (I think they probably have some local help, but I have no proof.)DSC05840

Our advertised “wine tour” stopped at just one winery, and while others went inside to snack on cheese and crackers while they sampled the three offered wines, I went out into the sun to enjoy the view—more intoxicating than any wine I’d ever tasted!

DSC05845From this vantage point, I could look out over the caldera’s rim and see how the “ring of islands” circled the underwater volcano, and I sDSC05843uddenly felt very small. Insignificant. Dispensable.

I’ll be quiet now and let you click on these images to appreciate the magnitude of the awe…



