I attended the monthly open board meeting of the Peninsula Players (see link in side bar) a couple days ago. When I suddenly became a “writer and director” for this group in July, I was given a year’s membership, so I thought I’d educate myself to find out what they...
“Slow down!” my driver’s education instructor admonished me. “When you see one dog cross the road, always look for a second one. Most of the time they travel in twos.” Of course, I slowed down. Not because I believed him, but because I was 15 and a half, and I...
I wasn’t paying all that much attention to the television set when a commercial came on in which the background music was playing… What’s this?… A Christmas Song??? Hey! Wait just a darn minute! It’s the middle of August for crying out loud! I quickly looked up from...
“Who me? Direct my own play? You’ve got to be kidding!” Those may not have been my exact words when first asked to step into the director’s shoes, but since there may be minors reading this blog, I’ve edited my statement accordingly… When I wrote “Motorcycle Mama,” I...
Buying a whole watermelon, even a smallish one, is quite a commitment. I was inculcated by the “waste not, want not” generation, so I knew I’d have to become the Olympic champion of watermelon eating and finish it off before it spoiled. Early the next morning, I...