“They say” to instantly improve your posture, imagine there’s a string at the top of your head that is pulling your head upward. Improved posture, “they say,” aligns your organs and spine, clears your breathing, and makes you more comfortable, balanced and awake. And...
A while back, I read an article purporting simple tricks for getting along with difficult people. The six types of difficult people spotlighted were The Drama Queen, The Critic, The General, The Grinch, The Martyr and The Know-It-All. In case you need help figuring...
Will Rogers (if you’re too young to know who he was, look him up!) once remarked that there are three kinds of men: The ones who learn by reading, the few who learn by observation, and the rest who have to pee on the electric fence to find out for themselves. Well,...
In the last couple weeks, I’ve heard several people tell me they were “futzing around” with assorted projects. Until then, I truly don’t believe I’d ever heard the word futz in any form. Being a naturally curious person, I wondered about the word’s origin, and its...
In setting some priorities and goals for the New Year, I took a long, hard look at what I’ve accomplished thus far in my writing career, and what I still want to obtain. In 2011, I wrote and submitted a short romance story to Woman’s World Magazine each month. To...