Sex and longevity

I think I’ve mentioned once or twice that I read a lot. The other day I came across an article summarizing a study that began in 1921, when this guy named Lewis Terman began a research project with 1500 elementary children. The study lasted 80 years. Terman himself...

“Buy him flowers”

Conflict. The mere mention of the word sends most people running for cover. Few relish the necessity of having to stick up for themselves in difficult times. But boundaries must be set, or resentments fester. And not too many people enjoy a festering resentment. So...

Tunnel wars

Someday, say two or three hundred years from now, I imagine the surprise on the faces of the anthropologists who excavate the area where my lawn used to grow. Or tried to grow. Like a drowning woman clinging to every straw thrown my way, I’ve listened to everyone...


“You don’t have to do it all in one day, you know,” said my long-time friend Anna Marie. “It’s a process, not a race.” She’s right, of course. But that doesn’t do much to keep me from anxiously wanting it all done “yesterday.” In my case, I thought about this first...

Trophy Beer

Thirty-two years ago today I passed the grueling four-hour oral examination to obtain my Masters in Education degree. I’d already completed my 192-page thesis, and the final step in qualifying for my degree was passing “the orals.” It was my own personal Spanish...