Monkee see, Monkee do

Peter Tork’s birthday is tomorrow. He’s the first of The Monkees to turn 70. Yes, that’s right, he’s hitting the big 7-0, and to celebrate, I think I’ll wear a black armband. It’s not like they were my all-time favorite group or anything. Far from it. It’s just that...

The Snowball Effect

I got deep into “Remodel Mode” last weekend. A dear friend moved into a “new” apartment, and he told me it needed a little TLC. About two and a half seconds through the door, and I realized that TLC stood for Terrible Living Conditions. We decided to tackle the...

Fiddlefarting Around

Whole days have been disappearing right before my eyes. What the heck happened? Where did they go? One moment it’s a glorious morning full of promise and excitement, with hours stretched out in front of me waiting to be productively claimed, and the next moment I’m...

Decisions, decisions…

I’m really torn today. I started to write a light and silly piece about Puxatawny Phil seeing his shadow yesterday, and how there are numerous other rodent forecasters throughout the eastern seaboard who disagree with his prediction. I really got into the alliterative...

The Squish Test

The majority of women reading today’s title instantly know exactly what I’m saying. Men, however, are probably wondering what it’s all about. I’d be happy to educate them, but there’s really no way they’ll ever understand the female’s willingness to subject themselves...